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Clearing Datafor Repository

The Datafor repository (JCR) often retains a large amount of unused data after multiple migrations from the same repository. This leads to increased table sizes and a slowdown of the repository. You can clean up this unused data in the JCR by enabling a system listener designed for this purpose. Cleaning the JCR can only be done when no users are logged in, and the repository remains locked while the process is running.


  1. Stop the Datafor server.

  2. Locate the datafor-server/Datafor-solutions/system directory and open the systemListeners.xml file with any text editor.

  3. Add this bean as the last item within the list tags

    <bean id="repositoryCleanerSystemListener" class="">
    <property name="gcEnabled" value="true"/>
    <property name="execute" value="now"/>
  4. Save and close the systemListeners.xml file, then restart the Datafor server.

Configuration Options:

You can customize the settings for the repositoryCleanerSystemListener by editing these properties. It is recommended to clean up the Datafor repository on a regular schedule.

gcEnabledBoolean flag to turn the listener On (true) or Off (false).
executeYou can choose when to run the listener: now (runs once during server start-up), weekly (runs on the first day of each week), monthly (runs on the first day of each month).